Forest bathing

Forest bathing

Serenity, peace and quiet... Come and reconnect, refocus and take care of yourself in the heart of the valleys and wild forests of the Hautes-Vosges by practicing sylvotherapy, also known as "forest bathing".



SIX steps to connect with nature

  1. Stop in a quiet spot in the forest
  2. Choose a tree that appeals healthy to you
  3. Introduce yourself to it in gradual steps and get "acquainted" with it.
  4. Observe it more closely and place a hand on its trunk to establish contact.
  5. You can then simply lean against it, smell it’s scent or give the tree a hug if you feel like it.
  6. Focus on what you want to say and on the well-being you wish to receive. You can close your eyes and feel different things, depending on your sensitivity.

Nature immersion

The Straiture gorge

In this unspoilt forest in the Vosges mountains, there are still a few specimens of large coniferous trees. Europe's largest spruce trees, over two centuries old, can be found here. The winding road runs alongside the river, through stands of beech. The landscape is strangely fantastic, even mysterious. In places, the rays of the sun filter through the resinous needles to give way to a soft light. At « La Glacière », even in the hottest weather, you'll feel the almost permanent coolness of the place. You'll be able to hear the silence and the lapping of the little river, where bistort and phyteuma blossom and wood stitchwort add a little color to the green monochrome. At the bottom of the small mountain stream, sculpins and Fario trout hide among the pebbles carried down from the peaks and rounded by slow erosion. The « défilé de Straiture » is one of the last natural and wild sanctuaries of our beautiful Vosges mountains.

To accompany you...

Our mountain guides are trained in sylvotherapy. With a soothing voice, they help you reconnect with nature and receive its benefits through specific exercises.


Experiment ...

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